Monday, July 8, 2019

Good question

H/T: Oregon Muse at Ace of Spades

BTW, if the government does want to buy me a gun, I'll take one of these firearms fitted with an Echo trigger (weapon fires when you pull AND release the trigger).


  1. Heh,
    I already go through way too much ammo just on the pull. Drop in trigger fit mil spec lower?

  2. Yeah, it would be some pretty expensive fun.

  3. Ok, looked it up. ATF approved AR drop in trigger. The bad news $479, I have a couple if ar's I built for less than that.

  4. I guess you could just dual-wield your two AR's :)

  5. Full auto fire (or even a reason facsimile thereof) from personal weapons is generally wasteful of ammunition-- aimed fire can be difficult unless you are well trained (as the gentleman in the video clearly is). Combat veterans tell me that it's best used at short ranges (e.g., in a room or alley). Crew served weapons -- fired from a stable position -- are generally more effective and efficient.

    But it's still fun!

  6. Oh, yeah, it's just a fun gun, in my opinion. As, say, a home defense weapon, it's really only acceptable if you don't mind replacing several windows and maybe a few slabs of drywall.
