Wednesday, July 24, 2019

Well, that's...interesting

Oh, I see the Mueller testimony is on television. The Washington Examiner had a good headline: "Mueller unfamiliar with key parts of own report".

By practically all accounts, Mueller has come across as doddering, confused and dodgy. Even some critics were feeling sorry for him. I don't. He has a history of hounding suspects (in spite of the evidence), and was perfectly content to let innocent men rot in jail in order to protect corrupt FBI agents and their notorious informant, Whitey Bulger - all of this years before he allowed himself to get sucked into the attempted coup against Trump. The most I'd be willing to offer him is a demand that he get out of town and never show his face again in public.


The Babylon Bee nails it again: "'I'm Still Sharp As A Tack,' Insists Mueller Moments Before Taking Phone Call On A Banana".


Steve Skubinna said...

Exactly how would you phrase it? "Vamoose" or "Skedaddle!"

And would you also call him an ornery lyin' hornswogglin' polecat?

Paco said...

Maybe we could make it a tad more dramatic.