Saturday, August 10, 2019

Eventually, Joe Biden is going to show up at a public event wearing pajamas and a bathrobe

Probably carrying his teeth in a glass.

Yeah, that's right; yet another gaffe.
Joe Biden said he was vice president when the deadly high school shooting in Parkland, Florida, took place. Except, it happened in 2018, more than a year after he left office -- the latest gaffe by the Democratic presidential front-runner.
As Rebecca pointed out in a comment in an earlier post, this guy was never all that smart to begin with, but he is really starting to demonstrate some serious mental decline, possibly associated with the ageing process.


Spiny Norman said...

Joe the Groper is becoming Grampa Simpson before our very eyes.

Veeshir said...

It doesn't get any more stupider than repeatedly telling a guy in a wheelchair to stand up and take a bow.
He's always been as dumb as a box of Boxers, I'd say the media just can't hide what he says while he's running for POTUS.
One of the funniest parts of the darkly hilarious 2008 election was Obama tapping Slo Joe for 'gravitas'.
The scariest two-word phrase in the English language is President Joe Biden.

Steve Skubinna said...

Oh come on... the President doesn't stop being President just because he's away from the Oval Office, right?

So Joe doesn't stop being Vice President just because he stepped out of the, ummm... stepped out of... the... er...

Hey guys, does anybody know where my office is?

Jonah said...

He'll start going backwards in time. By the time they choose their candidate, he'll be talking about that time he raced Bob Falfa and his 55 chevy on Paradise Road.

RebeccaH said...

Eek! Thanks for that image of Slo Joe in his pajamas (or more likely sans clothing of any kind), carrying his teeth in a glass. My brain needs a good scrubbing now.