Monday, August 19, 2019


"Authorities are investigating after fake Chinese police cars were seen cropping up in major Australian cities amid pro-Hong Kong demonstrations across the nation over the weekend."

From the increasingly invaluable Babylon Bee: "Bernie Sanders Arrives In Hong Kong To Lecture Protesters On How Good They Have It Under Communism".


bruce said...

Chinese police cars? Wow, put that on the list of weird things showing China's growing influence here, or I could say growing invasion.

Skeeter said...

There are laws in Australia against painting police logos on non-police cars.
Will someone be prosecuted? It may be difficult because the Police word does not appear anywhere on the cars in English.
I can remember when, not long after WWII, all our Halt signs had to be changed to Stop signs after a defendant successfully claimed that the word Halt was German, not English.

RebeccaH said...

I'm at a loss to understand how anyone could think China could smuggle their police cars into Australia without the Australians noticing.

Paco said...

Who are the main targets of this apparent act of intimidation? Is it pro-democracy protesters, in general, or ethnically-Chinese Australians or Chinese citizens residing or visiting in Australia? Anybody seen Kevin around, lately?

JeffS said...

Speaking of the Babylon Bee..... I've had to remind people that it's a satire site.

Lefties make it harder and harder to satirze them.

Spiny Norman said...

We live in a post-Poe's Law world, Jeff.

Steve Skubinna said...

My first thought was, is there an Aussie equivalent to Sabo? Because this could be first class trolling.

If only Tim Blair were still outside a paywall, he'd surely have some acerbic observations worth reading.

JeffS said...

Alas, all too true, Spiny.

bruce said...

Australia is filling up with Chinese now and it resembles an invasion. After English, Mandarin is the main language heard on Sydney's streets and in its universities. (I know because I studied the language and can speak a little).

These are divided between (very rich) Hong Kongers who bought up a lot of inner Sydney luxury real estate after 1997, mainlanders who came here as students and are allowed to stay, and Taiwanese. Then mainlanders have been buying up Australian real estate for some years now.

I grew up in inner Sydney's little Italy. Parts of that now are majority Chinese with no English spoken and the Italians have fled to rural areas. It's crazy, because at least Italians tried to be part of the existing culture while adding their own (best coffee in Australia). Chinese just move in and run a parallel culture, as if we don't exist. Like your border problem but with different people.

And I've had many Chinese friends over the years, even learned their language a bit, but the way they form a kind of alien borg is disconcerting even to other migrants.

Some old elites, politicians etc, have done the 'I welcome our new alien overlords' switch, aided by Chinese money. Pauline Hanson started complaining about this in the 1990s and was attacked by 'anti-racists'. There are grumblings, on both right and left, but it's almost too late now to do anything about it. And it seems to have stopped the Muslims, so not all bad.

bruce said...

I always thought Blair's belief in free trade is naive. Australia's old left actually drove the white Australia policy - preserving worker's rights. 'Conservatives' here were divided between free traders and Catholic isolationists ('far right': Bob Santamaria). Blair never had any hint of supporting the latter, as he comes from Scottish individualist stock, not Catholic. But then it was never clear what we 'far-right' wanted apart from complaining about change, even Santamaria's follower Tony Abbott went for compromise, which pleased no one.

Paco said...

Very interesting background, Bruce. Thanks.