Thursday, October 31, 2019

Happy Halloween II

The good little witch.


RebeccaH said...

Happy Halloween, Miss Maggie. And remember that the point of Halloween isn't the free candy, it's about being able to dress up in costumes and prowl the neighborhood after dark (even if Mom, Dad, and Grandpa Paco with his ever ready ordnance are following close behind).

RebeccaH said...

Happy Halloween, Miss Maggie. And remember that the point of Halloween isn't the free candy, it's about being able to dress up in costumes and prowl the neighborhood after dark (even if Mom, Dad, and Grandpa Paco with his ever ready ordnance are following close behind).

RebeccaH said...

Happy Halloween, Miss Maggie. And remember that the point of Halloween isn't the free candy, it's about being able to dress up in costumes and prowl the neighborhood after dark (even if Mom, Dad, and Grandpa Paco with his ever ready ordnance are following close behind).

RebeccaH said...

Happy Halloween, Miss Maggie. And remember that the point of Halloween isn't the free candy, it's about being able to dress up in costumes and prowl the neighborhood after dark (even if Mom, Dad, and Grandpa Paco with his ever ready ordnance are following close behind).

RebeccaH said...

Happy Halloween, Miss Maggie. And remember that the point of Halloween isn't the free candy, it's about being able to dress up in costumes and prowl the neighborhood after dark (even if Mom, Dad, and Grandpa Paco with his ever ready ordnance are following close behind).

RebeccaH said...

Happy Halloween, Miss Maggie. And remember that the point of Halloween isn't the free candy, it's about being able to dress up in costumes and prowl the neighborhood after dark (even if Mom, Dad, and Grandpa Paco with his ever ready ordnance are following close behind).

RebeccaH said...

Happy Halloween, Miss Maggie. And remember that the point of Halloween isn't the free candy, it's about being able to dress up in costumes and prowl the neighborhood after dark (even if Mom, Dad, and Grandpa Paco with his ever ready ordnance are following close behind).

RebeccaH said...

I apologize for the multiple posts. Disgruntled Democrats, perhaps?

Paco said...

I'll take all the comments I can get, whatever the reason! Thanks, Rebecca.

JeffS said...

Happy Halloween, Paco! I hope Miss Maggie enjoys her candy -- just not all once.


bruce said...

Wow 10 comments? Yeah I thought, posts of Maggie have been known to draw big response. Love the hat and outfit, maybe granma spent a lot of time getting it to sit just right. Best wishes to all.

Spiny Norman said...


Disgruntled Democrats? Nah, I believe it means Blogger thinks Miss Maggie is 7x cute.

Deborah said...

Maggie, The Good Witch is the prettiest! Love the hat! Y'all are gonna need a bigger stick, and more Hopps.

Paco said...

I was just looking back over some recent photos, and it seems like she's eating a lollipop in every one of them. Her dad better start saving up for the dentist.