Thursday, October 17, 2019

Unintended consequences

Some very interesting comments and links from Stacy McCain on feminism, prompted by debate over Australia's family court system.

I find this observation by Rollo Tomassi particularly striking:
Children from single parent households (overwhelmingly single mothers) account for 80% of rapists motivated by displaced anger.

Congratulations feminism, you've literally bred and raised the 'rape culture' you claim to fear.


rinardman said...

Children from single parent households (overwhelmingly single mothers) account for 80% of rapists motivated by displaced anger.

Feminists: Well, it that's true, the best way to fight rape is to abort all male babies...sorry, I mean fetuses.

bruce said...

I wonder if a lot of the hatred directed at Boomers comes from boys who grew up with single mothers.

Spiny Norman said...

An interesting hypothesis, bruce. Considering what I've seen on social media, it make sense.

Deborah said...

Don't you mean clump of cells?