Friday, November 8, 2019

Good points, mate

Australian John J. Ray gives the horselaugh to leftist assertions of moral superiority.
Lefty author and radio personality Garrison Keillor captured the popular view (at least according to Hollywood and the media) of the differences between liberals and conservatives, claiming, “Liberalism is the politics of kindness,” standing for “tolerance, magnanimity, community spirit, [and] the defense of the weak against the powerful.”

Conservatives, Keillor claims on the other hand, are people who “stand for tax cuts, and further tax cuts, annual tax cuts,” and then they “use their refund to buy a gun and an attack dog” to keep people away who are not like them.

Or, as Obama put it, these are the people who are “bitter, they cling to guns or religion or antipathy toward people who aren’t like them.”

As it turns out, that is the exact opposite of the truth.
Read on.


  1. Wow, JJ Ray is still writing? He'd be well into his 80s now. I used to read his site 20 years ago but forgot about it.

  2. I'm coming to the party very late, because I just stumbled across his web site (it was linked in an article I read today, and I've already forgotten where I saw it).

  3. Facebook will ban you if you say anything negative about LTC Vindman, or even mention the name of Eric Ciaramella (the Democrat Party political operative being protected by House jester Adam Schiff as a "whistleblower" as if his very life is in grave danger).

  4. I remember now, I used to read JJ Ray a lot before I discovered Tim Blair - around 9/11. I switched to Blair because he seemed more able to get through to people and mobilise them.

  5. Now Blair is behind a paywall, last I checked. It's a shame. His old timblair(dot)net blog was shear joy.

  6. I haven't been banned yet, Spiny --- maybe they just haven't gotten around to me?

  7. “Liberalism is the politics of kindness,” standing for “tolerance, magnanimity, community spirit, [and] the defense of the weak against the powerful.”

    You gotta admit, that's everything antifa stands for.

    Well, except for maybe tolerance. And magnanimity. And they probably don't have a clue what "community spirit" means. But, they sure like to defend somebody from somebody else!

  8. One of the highlights of my social life was having dinner with Tim Blair in Washington, DC. Our host was the suave and courtly Mr. Bingley, a fellow blogger, and we were joined by Mr. Bingley's lovely wife and daughter. Tim was a marvelous companion, funny, friendly exuding good will and kindness, in possession of a treasure trove of hilarious stories.

  9. From his asides, I think he married 'the wog blogger', a charming lady of Italian descent (lots of Italians in Sydney) and I think has a kid or two and a house in expensive inner Sydney, where his newspaper has to fight every day to retain its profitability in an uncertain market, so I understand the paywall thing.

  10. The paywall doesn't bother me that much, as he's one of the few media pundits in the English-speaking world I'd pay to read, but the reader comments thing at the Telegraph drove me batty. I don't know if it's very heavily moderated, or just wonky, but if I'd post a comment, sometimes it would appear a few hours later, or the next day, but usually not at all.

    BTW, Paco, I'm envious. Tim still makes trips to this side of the world occasionally, and usually, no always ends up drinking with Iowahawk (Dave Burge). I used to go back and read favorite posts at Tim's old site, like your Detective Paco threads, but it's been dead so long (and the name domain claimed by someone else), I've forgotten the name of your partner-in-crime/arch-nemesis.

  11. Another BTW: Whatever happened to Andrea Harris? Have you heard from her at all? Last I saw, she was still having a hard time finding permanent, full-time employment. Hers is a fairly common name, so Google/Bing aren't much help.

  12. Nevermind, I remembered: "wronwright".

    So where did HE go?

    Or is he still around, but using a different name these days?

  13. I think I may have gotten one comment from Wronwright shortly after I set up this blog, and I've never heard from him since. Most unfortunate, for he is very funny and he really thrived (throve?) in the comments at Tim's old site.

    I don't know what became of Andrea. She seemed to be a highly competent tech/information person, so I would be surprised (as well as saddened) to hear that she hasn't landed something permanent.

    What wouldn't surprise me would be a call from Tim someday informing me that he and David Burge were in immediate need of a bail bondsman. I'm not at all sure how those two high-spirited gentlemen stay out of trouble!

    Tim sent me an email a few years ago with the gratifying information that, if I'm recalling correctly, the head of John Howard's security detail was a fan of mine (he asked Tim if he - Tim - had ever met me).

    Ah, the golden years! Gone forever, I'm afraid.

  14. Gone forever, disappeared from the internet, the internet that supposedly never forgets. It lives now only in our memories.

  15. Some local old hands at 'the Cat' claim this is Andrea:

    See the profile for her name.

    Spinster has roots in the Spleenville thing, which many of the libertarians at Catallaxyfiles seem to go back to - they know stuff from early days. Way before my time in political blogs. So it does seem to check out at a glance.

  16. "Twisted Spinster" is Andrea Harris. I used to follow her blog until she stopped posting.

    Well, started posting annually. More or less.

  17. As I recall, we had some hellacious parties at Spleenville, whenever Tim went walkabout and left his virtual liquor cabinet unlocked. Anybody remember SaltyDog (who sadly passed away several years ago)? I think it was the raucous crowd of commenters that made Tim's blog famous as much as his own writing.

  18. Rebecca: Absolutely. Tim's old site had the best comments section of any blog, anywhere, bar none.
