Tuesday, November 5, 2019

I guess Benedict Arnold was America's first whistleblower

"The Pajama Boy Whistleblower Revealed".


Spiny Norman said...

I love how all these Deep State careerists are convinced it's their duty to report (leak, snitch, tattle) against the President because he's a "threat to national foreign policy".

I've been saying for years that the State Department has their own "foreign policies", does whatever the hell they want (diplomacy is the goal, not a means to achieve a goal), and the occupant of the White House is a mere annoyance to be dealt with, especially if he's a Republican. We're hearing now that Secretary of State Mike Pompeo "has a revolt on his hands" because the careerists don't agree with the Predident's policies are are refusing to implement them.

Paco said...

It's a huge problem, the self-replicating bureaucracy with its admixture of leftist fallacies and pockets (numerous) of acute incompetence.

JeffS said...

The State Department has long been a cesspool, but make no mistake that the Deep State has its tentacles all throughout the federal bureaucracy.