Wednesday, January 22, 2020

Jerry the Hut

Jerry "The Nadless" Nadler apparently let his hackery carry him so far out of bounds that Adam Schiff-Head deprived him of any further Q&A time.

Elsewhere, President Trump weighed in with the (accurate) observation that Nadler is a "sleazebag". So refreshing, incidentally. George W. Bush would have suffered himself to be dragged out of the White House and burned at the stake on the south lawn rather than uttering such an uncollegial remark.


bruce said...

If Biden is right, Nadler's been clipping too many coupons.

I know I have. Yay Joe! Punching time clocks, coupons, poupons, whatever.

JeffS said...

Sometimes, you just have to call a spade a spade.

Spiny Norman said...

Or a Weeble a Weeble.

RebeccaH said...

You know you're in deep doo-doo when you have to have Googly Eyes defend you to the press.