Monday, January 20, 2020

No, lefties, gun control is not just a white-people issue

“As an African-American on MLK Day It’s Critically Important” – Black Gun-Owner at Virginia Rally Speaks Out in Support of Second Amendment.


bruce said...

Black or white, these laws never 'control' the bad guys.

I hope that Virginia protest went ok, it did look a bit like a trap.

Paco said...

Everything went pretty peaceful, by all accounts - much to the chagrin, I'm sure, of the lamestream media.

bruce said...

One of the attendees runs this restaurant:

Check out the waitresses' hip holsters. 'Safest restaurant in the country'.

RebeccaH said...

Governor Coonman hardest hit.

bruce said...

Will Smith schools Hollywood types about proper handling: 'Treat every gun like it's loaded':

Classic example of the divide between those who obviously know what they're talking about and the rest whose opinion is worthless.