Wednesday, February 12, 2020

Another charitable trust devolves into a piggy bank for bad causes

"The Tolkien Trust Uses Lord of the Rings Income to Fund Muslim Migrants and Terrorists".


bruce said...

I met a Jesuit on his sabbatical trip who at first I liked, but then I found out he spends all his time trying to bring Haitians into the US.

Catholic churches also were a major support for Obama, and are the main 'refugee' advocates even here in Oz. It is frustrating how much they are undermining our countries, and the Anglican and other churches are similar - they are behind this AW organisation the Tolkeins donate to:

Christian charity yes, but bringing increasing numbers of people from alien cultures to overwhelm western ones is insane. In a way they're worse than politicians because so self-righteous.

bruce said...

PS I'm from a Catholic background and even spent a month in a Catholic monastery in 2012, and other places where I met travelling Jesuits and nuns, so my frustration is as something of an insider -'Why do my people do this?'

I see it as charity gone berserk.

Paco said...

I'm a Catholic, and am completely frustrated by the knee-jerk leftist impulses of the current Pope; although there has long been a tendency among many of the regular clergy and members of some of the Orders (especially the Jesuits) to take the same tack. These people have made a critical mistake in taking Our Lord's exhortations to individuals to be compassionate and generous and trying to turn the whole thing into an exercise by governments.

Mike_W said...

That's ironic and hilarious; might as well use the funds to aid the invasion of the West by hordes of goblins, orcs and trolls.

Paco said...

Mike: Exactly! While we're at it, let's get the Eye of Sauron a new contact lens.

Gregoryno6 said...

Another Retired Catholic here. And I won't be coming out of retirement for any foreseeable part of the future.
Being all things to all men is a wonderful ideal, but it usually ends up meaning that you accept anything and stand for nothing.I liked that scene in The Young Pope where he addresses the Cardinals, and tells them it's time for the Church to set a few standards for membership again.

Gregoryno6 said...

I visited the Tolkien Trust's website seeking information, but there's nothing as revealing as Mr Greenfield's article.
If I'm reading the information at the bottom of the page correctly, the site hasn't been updated since 2014.

RebeccaH said...

Whoever is administering the Tolkien Trust, you can bet they're getting their cut. As for charities, it's been my experience with do-gooders is that they view the world as they wish it existed and simply can't bring themselves to see the world as it actually is. They contribute to the worst causes because they believe they have the power to turn these causes to the good, which is a form of narcissism. They are, in fact, control freaks who are deluded that they can control everything if they just do the "right thing". And again, in cases where money is involved, they don't mind taking a cut because they are "good people" whose cause must be just or they wouldn't be associated with it, right?