Sunday, February 9, 2020


James "Snakehead" Carville recently opined on some of the crucial problems facing the Democratic Party. One thing he doesn't point out is that he's one of the problems.

Heap big fake chief promises bad medicine for gun owners: "Warren Says She’ll Nuke Senate Filibuster To Get Gun Control".

Even for Joe Biden, this is a bizarre response to a question from the audience: "Biden Lashes Out at Female New Hampshire Voter Asking About His Poor Performance in Iowa, ‘You’re a Lying Dog-Faced Pony Soldier’".

Pete Buttigieg: bullsh***ing his way to the presidency.

Michael Walsh's definition of the Democrats - "a criminal organization masquerading as a political party" - gets updated.

Yes, but the big question is, will they? "Rep. Scalise: ‘People Ought to Go to Jail".

Haw! "The #Clintons are like nuclear cockroaches. They can survive anything." James Woods on the possibility of Hillary III.

Michael Mann keeps getting pummeled by people who know what they're talking about.

We need to ban plastic bags so that, um, there will be more room in the landfills for wind turbine blades.

Maybe it was one of those "all you can eat" affairs, in which case this makes perfect sense: "Socialist filmmaker Michael Moore said he was blocked from the New Hampshire Democrat Shaheen Dinner on Saturday night where he was invited as a guest by Bernie Sanders."

May it please God...


rinardman said...

As I usually do, I went directly to YouTube to watch that Trump 2020 video so I could read some of the comments. My favorite was this: "Nancy can't rip this up! Beautiful." :)

Spiny Norman said...

The amount of abuse Candace Owens is subjected to on "black Twitter" and "black Facebook" is really quite astonishing, and the claims she "refuses to debate anyone" (when just the opposite is true) are kind of laughable.

JeffS said...

Hillary could be the donk nominee again. God knows she's deluded herself into thinking she can win, and the donks' base is desperate enough to support her.

But there's Buttigieg, who seems to Obama in a different shade, and Bloomberg, who has far more cash than she does.

The only surety is, the looming circular firing squad of the democrat candidates will be entertaining to watch.

Veeshir said...

So as a senator she hasn't tried to 'nuke' the Senate filibuster but as POTUS she will change the rules of the Senate?

I bet she said that right before and right after calling Trump a dictator.

It's weird. When using my phone I usually cannot comment or get sick of trying to please captcha, the captcha jerks me around a lot, when I'm on a computer it doesn't.
I mostly tube on my phone for a long time, but now I work days so I'm using a computer much more.

Paco said...

V: Excellent point about Warren.