Thursday, February 6, 2020

But of course!

Super-genius Sheila Jackson Lee thinks that the Ruskis did it: "Texas Congresswoman suggests Russia responsible for Iowa caucus voting issues".

She may be on to something. Paco World News Daily (PWND) captured this photo of "construction workers" repairing the roof of the courthouse in Des Moines:

Also, here's a photo of "caucus managers" in Dubuque taking a break:

Finally, there is this clandestinely recorded video of one "John Smith" attempting to woo undecided voters at the caucus in St. Clair to Bernie Sanders' banner:


  1. Comrade Vladimir sounded like an out-of-breath Hitler.


    (I suppose every public speaker in those days sounded something like that, so everyone could hear. On that note, Abraham Lincoln's voice would go up in pitch when he raised his voice, so people would later recall his voice sounded a bit odd.)

  2. Technically, I believe that's an actor portraying Lenin in an early commie movie, but am not sure.

  3. ...but am not sure.

    If I may be permitted some literary liberties ... ... a commie is a commie is a commie.

  4. Oh, yeah, no question that the guy's a commie, or at least an actor proudly portraying that mega-criminal, Lenin.

  5. Commies gotta commie:
