Sunday, February 23, 2020

Complete the sentence, your honor

Here's how Judge Judy's comment ought to read (Pacofill in bold): I’ll fight your socialist revolution to the death, by supporting an autocratic plutocracy.

I don't think you deserve a lot of extra points for supporting Bloomberg over Sanders.

Update If Sanders were to win the nomination and then the general election, imagine how interesting the inauguration ceremony would be, with lots of special guests!

Update II "Boy, that's a suprise", said absolutely nobody: "Nicaragua’s murderous socialist dictator endorses Bernie Sanders". I didn't even know this pond scum was still alive, let alone still in charge in Nicaragua.


RebeccaH said...

I wonder if any of these celebrities are aware than they are supporting Anybody But Trump for the sole reason that he's ungentlemanly and shoots out a lot mean-spirited tweets. Oh, they claim it's because of Trump's "racism", except that they can't cite anything specific other than the Charlottesville misquotes. Or he's "anti-Semitic" despite having a Jewish daughter, son-in-law, and grandchildren. Or his "reckless" behavior will get us into WWIII, except that so far we aren't. But the reality is, like Clint Eastwood, they're against Trump because of his "temperament". Never mind the booming economy, the high employment even for minorities, or that North Korea, Iran, Russia et al have been reduced to making empty threats and are not shooting missiles at us, among other things. It's "temperament". Trump shows his feelings, unlike his predecessors who slyly hid theirs.

Spiny Norman said...

Hasn't Ortega canceled future elections in Nicaragua, or is he following the Chavez/Maduro method of throwing his presidential election opponents in prison?

bruce said...

Actually the way they've made Trump run the gauntlet of the obstructive and undermining bureaucracy and press, most of us would go nuts having to deal with that.

The fact he's able to mostly laugh it off while still making constructive comments shows he has an exceptionally well balanced temperament.

Veeshir said...

bruce, he's been dealing with NY and NJ politicians, bureaucrats and unions for 4 years. They're scum whose defining characteristics are idiocy and entitlement with a huge sense of their own self-worth.

The only difference is that he doesn't bribe the deep state lovers in DC to get them to go away.
He's probably enjoying himself.
After dealing with idiots who controlled the playing field it must be refreshing to be able to
deal with them on his terms so much.

JeffS said...

Murderous despots are endorsing Bernie Sanders? Imagine that!

(Puts aways magic sarcasm stick.... )

Celebrity endorsements for politicians are, in my view, a negative factor in assessing their viability. How much of a factor depends on how much media coverage the endorsement gets. The more coverage, the less I care about it.

And if I already loathe a given candidate for other reasons, why, that's just gravy.

JeffS said...

Veeshir, you have the right of. As a businessman, Trump dealt with corrupt politicians for years, greasing many palms along the way.

And now, they can't demand under-the-table payments from him. Log rolling, yeah, that's a given in politics. But Trump knows the rules, and is an experienced player. That has to terrify the corruptocrats.