Thursday, February 6, 2020

Odd bird

R. Emmett Tyrrell, Jr., provides some inside skinny on the mind and temperament of Mitt Romney. A sample:
Then there was a final meeting I had with him after the dinners and after featuring him on our cover. It was at the spring White House Correspondents’ Dinner, and I was standing in the National Review hospitality room. Romney came in and made a beeline for me. We exchanged pleasantries, and after a 10-minute chat he bid me adieu. I shall never forget his goodbye. The would-be presidential candidate said, “Goodbye, Bill.” All I can imagine is that I had employed an obscure polysyllabic word during our conversation, and the senator deduced that he had been talking to Bill Buckley. It makes sense, no? Except that Bill had passed away in February, but who reads obits these days?


  1. I've read suggestions that Romney voted as he did because he's jealous of Trump being President. This article is yet another brick in the wall supporting that thought. When you toss in his electoral history -- Massachussetts governor, Utah senator, presidential candidate -- the conclusion is that he's an attention seeking carpet bagger. I've little doubt that he's looking at a presidential run in 2024.

    I wouldn't be surprised if he secretly admires Hillary Clinton.

  2. attention seeking carpet bagger

    That sounds about right.

  3. Sounds like an opportunist, the exact opposite of the 'man of principle' he's supposed to be.

    So he never actually read National Review but just knew Bill Buckley could be a useful contact.

    'Sincerity, if you can fake that you've got it made' I guess.

    Then his anti-Trump vote is to set himself up for a 2024 presidential run. Pretty cynical.
