Monday, February 3, 2020

Sad news

Rush Limbaugh has revealed that he has advanced lung cancer.

May God heal him and preserve him.

Update: President Trump and Vice President Pence offer best wishes.


  1. Lung cancer is usually a treatable disease these days, if caught early, but his is Stage 4. Yikes.

    People on even "conservative" web forums are gloating, mocking his bragging of his "former nicotine-stained fingers" and his enjoyment of fine cigars. I got a lot of backlash when I pointed out that one does not inhale a cigar and cigar-smoking (like pipe-smoking) has 5% of the disease factor of smoking cigarettes.

    How long ago did he quit smoking cigarettes? My doctor once told me the rule of thumb was if you made it 15 years cancer-free after quitting, your chances of developing lung cancer falls to that of "background noise" (meaning the same as the "never smoked" population).

  2. 10 yrs ago I met US liberals travelling and they spoke of Rush like he's some kind of rabid nazi. This was their evidence for how bad things supposedly were in the US. I was so surprised when I finally listened, how he raises good points which shouldn't be controversial, and just keeps the flow of the show going in an interesting way as he's supposed to.

    He talks how we all used to talk, if that's 'problematic' then I have a problem with his critics. It got me thinking US liberals are kind of brainwashed and kooky, but that was ten years ago and now their disease has spread over here and I feel like I must be in some Twilight Zone episode. Hillary's popularity among women was when we went over the edge into free fall.

    Anyway I wish Rush well.

  3. He has been a great popularizer of conservative ideas, and was a particularly important voice during the Clinton administration. The National Review, back when it still counted for something, even ran a cover story calling Limbaugh the "leader of the opposition" - and he really was, since he reached more people via his radio and TV programs than the main conservative publications, combined; and most of us will recall that the Republican Party was sunk in establishment stagnation back in the 90's and early 2000's (Bob Dole for president?!? C'mon!) The party still is infested with do-nothing time-servers, as a matter of fact; however, Trump is altering the political landscape and we are seeing more displays of backbone than in the past, and millions of people are experiencing a level of excitement about elections not seen since the Reagan years.
