Saturday, February 1, 2020

Sunday funnies

Update: Incidentally, generations of Pacos have been "back rollers" instead of "front rollers" (it's the outlaw in us).

Somebody needs a remedial course in wheelbarrows.

Via Oregon Muse at Ace of Spades comes this amusing prayer:
Grant me the senility to forget the people I never liked anyway, the good fortune to run into the ones I do, and the eyesight to tell the difference.

Not exactly easy money: "Indonesia offers cash reward for pulling rubber tyre off crocodile's neck".

Mysterious case of "blue legs".

Brian Regan returns:

From Powerline's "The Week in Pictures".


Jonah said...

That last one explains why I've never been married. God, it was tense.

bruce said...

It doesn't stop you wondering 'what if..' Jonah, I can tell you that. I think some of us are born nomads and don't like to be tied down, else why did our ancestors set out into the New World (and survive?). We're not damaged, that's how we were meant to be.

Spiny Norman said...

Anyone who owns a cat (actually, it's the other way around), especially a young and playful one, always does the "back roll" thing with the TP, no matter how annoying it may be.

Paco said...

Makes perfect sense!

Mike_W said...

That cow worries me; the window appears to be unlocked.

Paco said...

The thing to do would be to crawl on the floor to a point below the window, and then reach up and do the latches as quickly as possible.

I was once chased by a cow. I was walking down a path in the pasture and inadvertently got too close to her calf, and I guess she thought I meant it some harm. Of course, she had no way of knowing that I'm not fond of veal.