Wednesday, February 5, 2020

Yes, these people are idiots

But you need to know your enemy - and, fortunately, the enemy is too vicious, stupid, delusional and desperate to do anything but rave impotently. Diminutive tub-of-slop Patton Oswald, who was the recipient of hundreds, if not thousands, of sympathetic comments after his wife died, was particularly repugnant, in my view, with his venomous snark about the seriously ill Rush Limbaugh.

These people are, for the most part, completely lacking in any kind of effective power, except possibly with respect to certain propaganda efforts (and fundraising, of course, for their favorite commie causes). But we should remember that people outside of the fever swamp of Hollywood (elective office holders, bureaucrats, high-level officers of the court, media bobble heads, academicians) think the same way, and are, or may be someday, in a position to harm us normals. Price of liberty, meet eternal vigilance.

Update: Van Jones may be a commie, but he's not an idiot and far from delusional.
CNN contributor Van Jones warned fellow panelists, and Democrats in general, on Tuesday evening that President Donald Trump was helping African-Americans “in real life” and reaching out to them for their vote in 2020.

Update II: Haw! "Pelosi Defends Ripping Up Trump's Speech, Saying It Was Just A 'Clump Of Cells'".


  1. "Idiots" is not the word I would choose for Hollyhate celebrities anymore, but it is the politest one for people who are beneath contempt, I suppose.

  2. All good points Paco. 'These people are, for the most part, completely lacking in any kind of effective power' - and yet they think they rule the world. That's delusional alright.

  3. Nancy's toys-out-of-the-pram moment will make glorious viewing, over and over, to election day and beyond.

  4. She apparently pre-ripped the pages of the speech while she sat there last night so the whole document would come apart when she made her "spontaneous" gesture.
