Saturday, March 28, 2020

Looks like federalism is making a comeback

Let's see. Rhode Island is hunting down New Yorkers (thanks, JeffS), and Florida's governor is quarantining people from Louisiana. And some of my neighbors, who live here year round, are complaining about folks returning from up north to their vacation homes in the area.

You just watch; won't be too long before Texas has its own navy again.


  1. Texas has its own navy again -

    that I've got to see. Wow.

  2. Yes, it's amazing how quickly, during a crisis, even the bluest of blue states demand their rights, huh?

  3. Although a number of Florida residents along the Lousiana border aren't at all happy with what DeSantis is doing.

    Will we start hearing the American equivalent of "Ausweis! Ausweis! Mach schnell! Ausweis!" in some areas?

  4. Texas already has its own navy. Well, they sort of borrowed it from Louisiana, and it's called the Cajun Navy, but still.

  5. But isn't the Cajun Navy a "search & rescue" outfit, rather than military defense?

  6. They could transition prwtty easily and probably very happily.
    They're be more British because they're not 'dry' ships.
    I won't speculate on the buggery.

  7. Texas has a aircraft carrier: the USS Lexington. It's down in Corpus Christi. She would be a sight to behold underway. Her escorts would be a flotilla of patriots in every manner of boat, and being Texas, they'd all be armed.
