Tuesday, March 3, 2020

Reuters is really picking up the cream of the journalism schools

The title was intended as sarcasm, but, you know, maybe it's true. "Reuters labels Whataburger just a ‘Texas chicken joint,’ confuses Beto with Buttigieg".


JeffS said...

I believe that it's true -- certainly journalists aren't much into fact checking these days.

And it appears that Mini Mike really is trying to be one with the hoi polloi by eating Chinese?

bruce said...

The global elites get their info from the US elites. And have probably never met a real American, or if they have, see them through blinkers. They know nothing about the USA as it is.

Had to stop talking to a very old friend who was, before retirement, very high up in our public broadcaster 'ABC'. He just told me '100 people die every day in the US due to lack of healthcare' (defending Obama). That's obviously just a lie, but he swallows this stuff (I doubt it's even 100 people per year and were they even US citizens or illegals? Mentally ill homeless who don't seek help anyway?). It's like the 1930s, you can't argue with lies.

These BBC types think stereotypes from the Reagan era are still current (Southern Baptists! Rich Republicans!). They'll do in-depth reports of some carefully chosen weird outlier group and think they're well informed. It's hopeless.

bruce said...

Because underneath it's just the same old snobbery of the elites. You don't even need ideology to explain it I say, it's just the same old 'upper class' defending their class interests.

Paco said...

Bruce: Undoubtedly, there's a significant component of the old school tie syndrome.