Saturday, May 9, 2020

Sunday funnies

You should give up smoking before you put your eye out (H/T: David Thompson).

Snowball-fight technology (needs some work). H/T: Ditto.

The consumer products division of Paco Enterprises is facing stiff competition from this outfit.

Variations on this routine have appeared in several movies, but this one is my favorite (from Never Say Die).

It's great to be a dog and alive! H/T: Mrs. Paco.

Good analogy.

From Powerline's "The Week in Pictures".


Spiny Norman said...

You should give up smoking before you put your eye out

Mad Magazine's Don Martin had a sound effect for that: Sizzafitz!

rinardman said...

"Gee, Mrs. Marko, that sure was white of you!"

I dunno, under the current PC standards, is that comment racist, sexist, or some other ist?

No wonder there was a world war started in 1939. :)

JeffS said...

Stella wants to leaf! I mean, leave ......

RebeccaH said...

Sometimes I wish I was Stella.

Paco said...

It's like a visual representation of sheer joy.