Saturday, May 30, 2020

We should be rounding up the usual suspects

"If The Rioting Seems Coordinated".

Update Much more from Scott Johnson at Powerline.

Update II Sure, sure, that's entirely credible: "Minnesota Governor Says 'White Supremacists' and 'Cartels' are Part of Mass Rioting, Looting in Minneapolis". You mean like sheeted Klansmen and jackbooted Neo-Nazis? Gee, Mr. Governor, sir, I can't wait to see your evidence.

Pathetic progressive stooge.


ck said...

I wouldn't put it past the Mexican cartels to join in. I'm pretty sure they've been taking a beating lately. This thing is so coordinated that there have to be some bigwigs involved. We've all seen the picture of Nancy Pelosi, former mex president Nieto(100 mil from El Chapo) and Beta O'Rourke. The cartels are a major funding source for the democrats and who can forget Janet Nappy and her Arizona mafia? Soros has all of his Antifa punks active but I don't think he has enough of them to cause all of what's going on. In addition, the arsonists were real pros. Some of the fires ignited too perfectly.

ck said...

If you saw the video of the "fox news security guy" grabbing the AR from the skinny punk, that was no "news security". I wouldn't fuck with that bald guy for all the tea in China. I'm guessing some kind of undercover fed or special forces. And the video of the black guys protecting that cop that got separated from his buddies. They didn't look like run of the mill protesters or rioters to me. I think Antifa has been infiltrated and everything is being recorded.

Spiny Norman said...

I think Antifa has been infiltrated and everything is being recorded.

That would be brilliant.

Of course, the Twitter mob is utterly convinced ALL the black-masked punks are "Trumpers" and "MAGAts" staging "false-flag" operations.