Monday, May 18, 2020

We're living in the crazy stupid years

"Restaurant in Maryland to Use ‘Bumper Tables’ to Keep Customers Six Feet Apart".

Unfortunately, someone beat Pandemic Accessories for Cafes and Ordinaries to the punch on this fine product.


Veeshir said...

Its' funny how many places there are in this country where I'll never go.

I'd burst out laughing, probably while pointing at the tables, and walk out as soon as I was able.

At least it's funnier than the equally crazy stuff they did in the middle ages to avoid the plague.

I wonder when the Jews get blamed. It's traditional after all.

Steve at the Pub said...

No competition whatsoever.
Paco Enterprises make an unmistakable product.
No way it can be confused for what that restaurant is using.
Their inner tubes almost certainly do not deflate & in fact would retain air pressure.

Nothing like Paco factories' output.

Paco said...

For mere pennies a day, you can subscribe to our emergency table-side service!

rinardman said...

Pandemic Accessories for Cafes and Ordinaries needs to borrow from the old TV series Get Smart. Remember the "Cone of Silence"? Cafes need "Cones of Silence and Social Distancing" that drop down from the ceiling over every table, with a positive air pressure system that isolates the tables and patrons from each other.

The Silence part would be a bonus. No more listening to the next table's inane conversations, or overly loud cell phone calls.

Paco said...

Our first attempt at utilizing cones of silence had a major glitch; the cones we got (from China, of course) were too small, and they simply sat on the customers' heads, looking kind of like dunce caps.

Of course, many of the customers thought they looked like dunce caps, too, and then the stupidity of the whole thing hit them like an epiphany, and they just quickly sort of slunk out of the restaurant.

Jonah said...

Might make a fun game of barroom shuffleboard. BOOMP!

Paco said...

Hey, you're right! Last guy to spill his drink wins!