Wednesday, May 20, 2020

What is it with Illinois voters?

I somehow contrived to accidentally delete my original post. Here's some updated information.

Governor J.B. "Illinois Fats" Pritzker, who recently decreed that small business owners who violated his closure orders could be sent to prison, has since backed down from that threat.

Nonetheless, he is still hideous.

And this little piggie goose-stepped all the way home...


JeffS said...

It's the Chicago Way.


The b******* out-vote the rest of the state, and have infiltrated the state agencies. Corruption is rampant.

Spiny Norman said...

Socialism with a porcine face.

In the Chernobyl miniseries, the pompous ass Party Deputy Chairman for Minsk, who refused to evacuate the area of Belarus near the reactor, telling Ulana Hhomyuk "I prefer my opinion to yours", looked strikingly like Governor Sitz-Pritzker.

rinardman said...

Hey! Who said you could make fun of my Governor? Well, me and all the outnumbered sane people who didn't vote for the guy think it's okay, I guess.

Off topic, but something you have to see: Chris Cuomo's wife's "doctor"

This video could change your life.

Or not.

RebeccaH said...

Pritzker had to back down. His sheriffs and police flatly said they would not enforce the order.