Tuesday, June 30, 2020

The crucible

I note with pleasure that a St. Louis attorney and his wife stood guard outside their home, well-armed and giving every indication that they were willing to offer a lethal defense of their property and persons as a mob of protesters marched by (and I note with amusement that the pair appear to be big donors to Democrats, and are Biden supporters). We need to see more of this, frankly, especially since it has become clear that the mob now includes people who are willing to shoot their opponents - or just innocent people, if those are the only kind at hand.

It is a very dangerous time in which we live. As skeptical as I have become over the last twenty years about all politicians, including those who are nominally intellectual allies, as well as corporations and pundits, I profess myself flabbergasted at the sheer volume of betrayals on all sides. The vast extent and accelerating proliferation of backstabbing is a wonder to behold. The Democrats are, as I believe Michael Walsh was the first to observe in so many words, a criminal organization masquerading as a political party, so nothing the donks do surprises me. They are drunk with the lust for power, and will say anything, and do anything, to gain advantage. This is all expected. But it seems that we "normals", as Kurt Schlichter likes to refer to American traditionalists, are facing wars on numerous fronts, and are, indeed, fighting against all flags - corporations, social media, the mainstream media, the Vichy conservatives, both of the two main political parties, the courts, state and local governments, the federal bureaucracy, federal law enforcement, the educational system. How many more corporations are going to fall in line with the revolutionary leftist hive of organizations that constitute Black Lives Matter? How many cold-blooded, partisan sociopaths acting as prosecutors and judges are going to keep coming after honest men and women who are just trying to do their jobs, such as General Flynn? How much longer will the lives of ordinary citizens be put in danger by the activities of uncontrollable mobs of violent Marxists as city officials applaud the "spirit" of this revolution?

Most people, I believe, don't want to think too much about politics, and an unhealthy plurality (perhaps a majority) are willing to ignore the ominous trends (and have ignored them for decades). It's difficult to argue with the assertion that our own complacency has enabled the hellish turn of events we see today - first and foremost because we did not act to stop the injection of the progressive poison into our educational system decades ago.

What's to do? I don't know; I'm not a strategist or even a tactician. But I do believe our Republic has reached the post-fall Humpty Dumpty phase, and there's probably no putting it back together the way it was.

Which doesn't mean we can't build a new and better one. But we're sure as hell not going to Tweet our way to better times, or blog our way back to a healthy respect for the primacy of individual liberty. I'm not at all sure we're even going to be able to vote our way to the kind of country we want; our society is too polarized, and our system is no longer proof against massive fraud. Our options are dwindling - our peaceful options, that is. There are others and, sadly, they may ultimately become necessary for those of us who decline to live, as Voltaire once said, "in the teeth of a millions rats".

Talking about betrayals: First, KellyAnne Conway's dumpy husband, and now her daughter.

The old saying is, you can pick your friends, but you can't pick your relatives. Maybe not, but you can certainly make choices about how to deal with your family. This kid looks like she needs to be cut loose, put completely on her own for a while.

Oh, yes. Again, talking about betrayals, how can I forget the church - my church: "The Church Collaborates in Its Own Destruction".

Frankly, I prefer my Christianity to be considerably more muscular (give me Julius II, the Warrior Pope, over Francis any day).

Some upbeat reporting and counsel from Jack Kerwick at Frontpage.


Veeshir said...

One of the tweets on that Gateway Pundit link about the guy getting shot in Utah was horribly funny.
"A peaceful protest got tense when..."


Paco said...

Every protest is peaceful until it isn't, I guess.

RebeccaH said...

I agree that conservative media may be doing as much harm as good. I get pretty depressed sometimes when all I read are articles about the latest leftist atrocity. He's also right about people needing to defend their communities. Antifa and BLM types are cowards at heart. They only target the weak, the alone, and unguarded stores.