Monday, June 1, 2020

The Delaware Kid is back with more gun advice

Joe Biden apparently thinks cops should be trained to "wing" their assailants.
Instead of standing there and teaching a cop when there’s an unarmed person comin’ at ’em with a knife or something to shoot ’em in the leg instead of the heart is a very different thing.
Rick Wilson just emailed to say "I think it's great that Joe Biden is emphasizing good shot placement".

Seriously, if this moron is elected president, I think maybe I'll leave the country. Perhaps one of my Australian friends could find a corner in his or her garage for Mrs. Paco and me.

Update Speaking of guns, this Florida sheriff genuinely does have some good advice.


Gregoryno6 said...

Paco, if you can accommodate yourself to driving on the other side of the road and sweating through Christmas instead of freezing, The Great South Land will make you more than welcome.
Here's a Joe Biden meme.

ck said...

Loved the video of the Sheriff. They probably wont have any problems in his neck of the woods.

ck said...

Feel good video of the day. Throwing bricks panty-fa style

Jonah said...

No Paco, you and several million of your followers need to move to California, a beautiful and productive land, and conquer these soy based Herod fags. I'm here to point you in the right direction.

bruce said...

Jonah, I'm actually rereading 'A Confederate General from Big Sur' right now - it's awful, don't read it, but the title suggests a plan of attack.

45 years ago I was a bored civil servant and we used to read a bunch of books like that to pass the time, it's nostalgia for me.

rinardman said...

Instead of standing there and teaching a cop when there’s an unarmed person comin’ at ’em...

Or, perhaps, it might be better to teach unarmed idiots not to "come at" a cop armed with a gun, in the first place.

JeffS said...

"Never bring a knife to a gunfight" is sound advice that lefties ignore, r-man.

RebeccaH said...

If anybody aimed at the legs of a moving target, and the bullet missed and ricocheted off the pavement and killed the guy behind him, there's your defense: Joe Biden told me to do it that way.

Paco said...

Biden also seems to be unacquainted with the femoral artery.