Monday, June 29, 2020

The law of unanticipated consequences

"With Statues Gone, Pigeons Forced To Poop On Rioters".
Rioters frantically tried to put the statues back up as they were attacked by the feral flocks. "Put Christopher back! Quick!" cried one Antifa group as they were swarmed by a whole fleet of pigeon bombers. But try as they might, their weak liberal arms could not lift the statue and they were forced to flee the scene.


Veeshir said...

I've never been jealous of a pigeon before.

RebeccaH said...

If only.

bruce said...

Ha! The Bee is great.

Spiny Norman said...

... force to flee the scene.

There were blueberries, Private, Blue. Berries.

(Yeah, I'm probably the only one here who watches the Nickelodeon Penguins of Madagascar cartoons.)