Friday, June 19, 2020

There may not be any police left to defund

"70 Atlanta Cops Have Resigned After Officer Rolfe Charged W/Felony Murder".

Make the Dems own the vanishing blue line.


Gregoryno6 said...

You can say Fuq The Police only so many times before the police say Fuq You back.

RebeccaH said...

In the meantime, avoid Atlanta if you can. It's about to become a reprise of Escape From New York.

In fact, it's probably a good idea to avoid all Democrat-run cities.

Veeshir said...

Rebeccah, but make sure you vote Dem come November because this is all Trump's fault!!!!

Paco said...

I think Detroit is the model for the ideal Democrat city. Seems to be catching on.

rinardman said...

In fact, it's probably a good idea to avoid all Democrat-run cities.

Thirty five years ago, I decided to build my house here, in the edge of a cornfield 100 miles from the closest Dimocrat run hell-hole, St.Louis. Even then, I knew I wanted nothing to do with any large city, let alone a Dimocrat run city.

I'm beginning to wonder if 100 miles is enough.

Veeshir said...

I saw NYC cops are going to strike on July 4.
I like the symbolism, but that's when Americans go out.
Shoulda done it on Mayday.
Let the commies duke it out amongst themselves.

Spiny Norman said...

I'm beginning to wonder if 100 miles is enough.

I'm 70 miles outside of Los Angeles. 20 years ago, I thought it was probably far enough. I now know it most definitely is not.