Friday, June 26, 2020

There's one I'd like to see canceled

As long as our educational system rewards ideological sociopaths and cultural con artists like this irredeemable hater, the country will continue its decline.
[DiAngelo's] message: all whites are indeed eternally guilty, for they’re all racists, and all “people of color” are their eternal victims. Don’t think you can escape the racist label by saying “I judge people by what they do, not who they are” or “I don’t see color; I see people.” DiAngelo doesn’t buy into the idea of colorblindness. Nor does she have any patience for Martin Luther King’s sentiments about the content of one’s character. “Individual whites,” DiAngelo explains, “may be ‘against’ racism, but they still benefit from a system that privileges whites as a group,” and are consequently racists.
I'm just baffled why, with white privilege and irreversible white racism baked into our bones, we ever bothered to fight a civil war to abolish slavery, and why we risked regional violence over integration of schools, and why we created affirmative action programs, and why we've spent trillions on social programs that predominantly benefit (or are intended to benefit) people of color.

Update Scoring off liberal white guilt for fun and profit (H/T: friend and commenter R-man).


bruce said...

I think it's a perversion of the idea of Original Sin.

NW Europeans were particularly taken with 'depravity' after the Reformation, and that may explain why some of us are so susceptible to being made to feel guilty for everything. In southern Europe and the rest of the world the idea of 'human depravity' didn't take root at all.

You have to believe that Adam and Eve were white people, and everyone else is just part of innocent surrounding nature. Which is so racist, right? - The racisit roots of anti-racism. I think it isn't a coincidence that Rousseau grew up in deeply Calvinist Geneva, and came up with the 'noble savage' idea.

In short, it's a perversion of Bible teachings.

fitzroy said...

Good point, Paco. Many of us supported equal rights for people of color before it was fashionable. And we still support equal justice even though it is no longer fashionable.

rinardman said...

According to her, race in America is a constant existential crisis that we can only fairly address by focusing on it constantly.

And, by one of those really strange coincidences you can't believe, she is getting rich by keeping America focused on it. Huh. Who'da thunk it?

DiAngelo, who is white, charged the University of Kentucky $12,000, not counting travel expenses, housing accommodations, and meals, for a two-hour “Racial Justice Keynote and breakout session” in March

Spiny Norman said...

I'm just baffled why, ... we ever bothered to fight a civil war to abolish slavery

They, like the self-styled "white nationalist" Confederate apologists, insist the Civil War was never about slavery. Literally never had anything to to with it. They claim, not only that the Emancipation Proclamation was "illegal and unconstitutional", it was solely intended to scare off England and France who were both about to "recognize" the CSA.

(And yes, the 13th and 14th Amendments were both "illegally ratified" because the Confederate states did not vote.)

For what it's worth "I never heard any other reason for the quarrel than slavery" - Confederate General James Longstreet in 1891, when asked about the issue of "states rights".

I'm becoming increasingly convinced the so-called "white nationalists" are paid trolls sent by the Never-Trumpers to troll right-of-center political forums intending to make ALL Trump supporters look like racist, ignorant goobers.

Gregoryno6 said...

Sooner or later it will come down to this:
White thing, you can never expunge your white guilt.
White thing, you can never rid yourself of your white privilege.
At which point the white thing - most likely young, highly 'educated', and raised in comfort - will be expected to stick their head in a noose or blow their own brains out.
This would at least have the benefit of taking a few cane toads out of the gene pool, so to speak.

RebeccaH said...

Yes, America is such a racist country we elected a black president. Twice. And we continue to elect black politicians (as well as other races) to public office. We pay millions to black athletes and entertainers. We support millions of black people on welfare. We've passed law after law to enforce integration and equal rights. But we are racists, we will always be racist, and there's nothing we can do about being racist unless we tear down the country and hand it over to people of color to run according to the Marxist paradigm. That's what I get out of all this woke crap, and I continue to believe that's what it is: pure delusional crap.

Paco said...

Man, when it comes to maintaining white privilege, we white people suck.

Mike_W said...

We can look to the USSR and communist China for the authors of this tragedy.
Look up the videos of Yuri Bezmenov, a KGB defector, regarding the ideological subversion of the West; incredible that our leaders let them get away with it, when everyone knew it was happening.
The communists have been working to brainwash generations of Western youth for...generations.