Sunday, July 12, 2020

Are you sure, Joe?

"Biden says Elizabeth Warren, labor unions helped craft his economic policy".

I was under the impression that you were getting your economic advice from this guy, but I suppose there's not much to differentiate one from the other when you get right down to it.

"And the taxes go round and round and the spending comes out here! N'yuck, n'yuck, n'yuck!"

Update It's bad enough having a self-appointed, and very privileged, ruling class. What makes the whole thing truly intolerable is that it consists of people who would have to actually struggle to reach a level of mere mediocrity: "Joe Biden’s family racks up arrests for drugs, drunk driving — but no jail time".

Btw, is it just me, or does Hunter Biden look like a creepy photoshop or caricature of his old man?


RebeccaH said...

Rather than "helping" to craft the economic policy, they just created one and told him it was his. Joe then grinned and nodded, and tried to tell a joke, because he didn't understand a word they said.

Spiny Norman said...

Senile dementia, like Alzheimer's, is a cruel thing.

Joe Biden is such a corrupt, cretinous creep, I really want to see it as Karma.

Paco said...

Rebecca: Yeah, I'm sure he could't regurgitate what they told him in 25 words or less (or however many words he wanted to use).

Spiny: If (shudder!) he's elected, I'm looking forward to him meeting the Queen of England and calling her a dog-faced pony soldier.

Spiny Norman said...

If Gropin' Joe is ::wretch:: elected, he won't be running anything (and neither will his "showpiece" Veep). If he brings back The Gorn (ValJar), you know damn well she'll be in charge of everything.

Speaking of Iran, somebody is seriously messing with them. What are we up to now, 5 "massive explosions" in 2-3 weeks? Whoever is pulling off this sabotage campaign wants everyone to know about it, because it's all "above-ground" stuff that the Mad Mullahs cannot deny -- although they still insist the last one never happened, despite the fact that everyone in Tehran heard it, and the plainly obvious plume of smoke rising up to the stratosphere form the most recent was clear to everyone within a time zone of Tehran.

Apparently, one of the recent ones was claimed by a domestic Iranian dissident group.

rinardman said...

I wonder what year it was, when Joe Biden last had his own, original thought.

Spiny Norman said...

Probably before grammar school (where he learned he could get away with copying the smart kids in class).

Paco said...

Spiny: Definitely something going on in Iran, I believe, that goes beyond some Iraqi guardsman smoking a cigarette in the ammo dump.

Paco said...

Iranian guardsman. Geez, I'm getting as bad as Biden.

JeffS said...

With the love/hate relationship between Iran and Iraq, Paco, you just never know ......