Friday, July 17, 2020

Come and get' em, Joe!

What a surprise.
Biden is pushing numerous gun controls, one of which would require owners of “assault weapons” to register those firearms with the government, while paying a $200 tax on each.

The tax that would be administered is the outworking of the National Firearms Act (1934). That Act currently governs the sale of machine guns, suppressors, short barrel rifles, and other Class III weapons only.

The $200 tax was put in place in hopes of making sales of firearms and accessories cost prohibitive. It will apply to AR-15s, AK-47s, Ruger Mini 14s, and other wildly popular semiautomatic firearms if Biden gets his way.
I'd be glad to register my "assault" rifles, Joe, but, you see, I took them all out in my boat on the Cape Fear River for an airing, and the darnedest thing happened...


Gregoryno6 said...

Well, damn, that's a shame about your firearms. I've heard that a good many in Australia went and buried themselves under fallen trees.

Paco said...

One of the great nautical disasters of our time, for sure.

ck said...

Do you suppose they even tell Joe what his positions are? He should have been staked to an ant hill during the Clarence Thomas confirmation hearings.

Paco said...

I bet if you asked Joe his position on any subject in the absence of his handlers, you'd get some gibberish more inscrutable to the American ear than Basque.

Steve Skubinna said...

Judging from the hull color and the helpful "VHF-16" painted on the quarter, that looks like a rescue boat from BoatU.S.


Paco said...

I got a deal on it, used.