Tuesday, July 7, 2020

How sharper than a serpent's tooth...

...is the thankless immigrant: "Radical Democrat Rep. Ilhan Omar Calls For 'Dismantling' of US 'Economy and Political Systems'".

I think we ought to scrap whatever system and/or procedures we have that permitted this execrable little tick to settle in our country in the first place.


RebeccaH said...

Not only do we need to overhaul our immigration system, we need to put a mechanism into place to remove officials (such as in Congress) who demonstrate blatant disloyalty to the nation, as Ilhan Omar has done. She's a fraud, a cheat, a liar, a bigamist, an incestuous hoor, and an ungrateful traitor to the country that gave her safety and opportunity.

Paco said...

Amen to that!

Gregoryno6 said...

'Smash the system. Smash the state.' I've heard it a lot of times, but nobody who says it has much to offer as a replacement.
"Briggs, I hate the damn system, but until someone comes along with changes that make sense, I'll stick with it" - Harry Callahan, Magnum Force.

Paco said...

I remember an old David Frye album, where he's doing Richard Nixon and Gabe Kaplan is playing Abbie Hoffman. At the end of their conversation, "Nixon" asks the question of "Hoffman", "So, once you've torn down the system, what are you going to do?" "Hoffman" replies, "I dunno. Maybe just groove on the rubble".