Thursday, July 16, 2020

Virtue signaling ad nauseam

"The city council of Asheville, North Carolina, on Tuesday unanimously approved a commission to develop proposals for reparations to black community members and issued a formal apology for the city’s role in black inequality."

Of course, this doesn't mean money going directly into the pockets of the alleged "victims".
The resolution, signed by Mayor Esther Manheimer, directs the city to create a “Community Reparations Commission” made up of advocacy groups, businesses and community leaders that will issue recommendations on how eventual compensation may be distributed to black residents, according to ABC News.

The steps taken by the city council and mayor did not include language to make immediate payments to black Americans, according to the text of the resolution. Rather, the commission would make recommendations for possible reparations strategies that would have to be approved by the city before taking effect, the resolution stated.
Interesting that the vote by the city council was unanimous. Hope you taxpayers are happy. In all fairness, though, to the Normals who live there, Asheville is a college town, and therefore possessing a population teeming with what Rush Limbaugh calls young skulls full of mush (and their professors, a/k/a older skulls full of mush). No doubt, their malign influence is felt at election time.

Update More city council insanity: "Columbus Wants to Boot Police With Ties to 'Hate Groups,' Relying on the SPLC".


  1. While I cannot accept the twinned concepts of group guilt and trans-generational guilt, if reparations are on the table, then so be it.

    How much are today's blacks to pay to descendants of Union soldiers, then?

  2. Let's not forget the descendants of abolionists who ran the Underground Railroad, Steve -- they took a lot of risks to get slaves to the free states.

    Not to mention the descendants of whites who were lynched for supporting freed slaves after the Civil War.

    And so on, ad nauseam.

  3. "Columbus Wants to Boot Police With Ties to 'Hate Groups,' Relying on the Morris Dees Money Laundering Scam"


    (Of course, according to the SPLC, being registered to vote as "Republican" is "ties to a hate group".)

  4. Steve: Haw! I'm afraid I won't qualify, for two reasons: (1) I'm not a resident of Asheville, and (2) Pacos fought on the side that came in second.

    Jeff: Hope those taxpayers know what an expensive proposition this may turn out to be.

    Spiny: Thanks for the truth-in-labeling edit!

  5. Should probably be called 'virtue posing'. Kinda like a politician posing for a campaign photo of him kissing a baby. Done to impress and maybe get a few more votes, not to achieve anything helpful to the people.

  6. The Community Reparations Commissions sounds like an Al Sharpton-type scam to me. You can lay bets that none of that money will end up helping the black community. It's all going into somebody's pocket.

  7. Rebecca: Oh, absolutely. I imagine even Vegas odds makers would refuse to venture a bet on real black people getting real money.

  8. Of course, this doesn't mean money going directly into the pockets of the alleged "victims"
    That sounds familiar.
    About 30 Billion AUD is spent on the nonwhite indigenous peoples of Australia annually. The white indigenous peoples of Australia, who are the principal source of that funding through their taxes, would very much like to know where it goes. Because there's bugger all to show for it.

  9. Gregory: Maybe it's buried near that big red rock.

  10. A very good suggestion, Paco. The climbing tours were shut down last year, and that would have left a dent in the local finances.

  11. Then we ought to grab a couple of shovels and get out there!

  12. Speaking of shenanigans in the Land Down Under: Backyard Adventure with an Emu

    The comments below the video are hilarious.

    (As with 4chan, I'll browse Reddit occasionally because some really funny stuff turns up there.)

  13. Well, that link wasn't what I meant post, but you can get there with it.

  14. Spiny - we don't normally associate backyards with emus. Perhaps we should!

  15. Ah, giving the emu its morning workout. An Australian tradition?

  16. Wildilfe report: Dingoes have come out of the bush after the fires which cleared undergrowth around here. I believe I was stalked by one, from fresh tracks I saw on the path returning from remote a walk. A mother in town reports she put her baby out in the sun, turned back a minute later to see a Dingo removing the baby's blanket.

    I don't think Dingoes collect blankets.

  17. Dingoes. They bear watchin', they do.
