Friday, August 21, 2020


Joe Biden proved that he could read a teleprompter for twenty minutes, and Democrats and their media puppets acted like he had just solved the riddles of the Sphinx, independently worked out Einstein's theory of general relativity and carried out pi to 500 decimal places by doing the division in his head. The whole absurd spectacle reminded me of the way young parents applaud and coo over a child when he (or she, as the case may be) first manages a solo turn on the potty.

In looking at all the toxic and destructive "isms" which plague our country, we must be sure to remember infantilism.


Spiny Norman said...

Even Chris Wallace succumbed to the hype, claiming Gropin' Joe managing to get through reading a speech on the teleprompter for 22 minutes without falling over "blows a hole in Trump's characterization".

Spiny Norman said...

(That was weird. Google made me "log in" 3 times before Blogger would post my comment.)

rinardman said...

Yeah, ol'Joe was so amazing, I don't see any reason why he couldn't share a debate stage with Trump, and answer questions in real time, without a teleprompter.

Oh, wait. They wouldn't let him do that, because it just wouldn't be fair to Trump. What was I thinking?

Spiny Norman said...


In a revelation that should surprise exactly no one, Joe Biden is accused of plagiarizing a deceased Canadian liberal politician in his nomination speech.

fitzroy said...

Systemic infantilism is when half the country signs on.

Paco said...

And it's the "systemic" aspect that especially worries me.

Paco said...

Spiny: It's very close in sentiment, and, to some extent, in the actual words. But of course, Joe Biden would never, ever so such a thing.

But whoever actually wrote his speech might have.

Paco said...

Looks like Biden may have dabbled in impersonating Reagan, too.

How long, do you suppose, before Sleepy Joe starts raving about fighting Trump on the beaches, on the landing grounds, in the fields and in the streets?

Spiny Norman said...

Has Joey Hairplugs ever had an original thought?

Paco said...

Or an unoriginal one, for that matter?

RebeccaH said...

I wonder how many times Dr. Jill had Joe rehearse that speech, and how many takes it took to get one good one (even with the teleprompter).

Spiny Norman said...

how many takes it took to get one good one


JeffS said...

Did Biden also plagiarize .... Biden?

Paco said...

He's the greatest word recycler of the last 30 years.