Wednesday, August 12, 2020

Just spitballin' here


Admittedly, it would be nice to occasionally come across someone who knew how to spell "loose" correctly, but you've got to work with what you've got.


Veeshir said...

Yes, it would of been better if they had used "loose".

Paco said...

I can feel his (or her) pain. I have composed what I took to be a pithy comment many times, only to discover, after I had posted it, a huge clunker of a spelling error. Easy to fix on one's own blog; a mistake for the ages on someone else's.

Veeshir said...

Sometimes my mistakes are for comedic purposes.

Steve at the Pub said...

Proddy Andalusians Charging Obnoxiously

Spiny Norman said...

a mistake for the ages on someone else's

For all its myriad faults, Disqus allows you to edit your comments on someone else's blog (if you have an account).

Spiny Norman said...

Oh, and this is another example of "Spiny's Law": Every popular image meme will contain at least one spelling or grammatical error.

rinardman said...

It used to bother me to see a spelling error or grammatical error on the internet, but to protect my mental health I've had to learn to turn a blind eye to the problem. The sheer number of typos & grammos* I see every day has overwhelmed my pedantry. :)

*My personal contraction for 'grammatical errors'.

Zardoz said...

Any chance of adding frickin' laser beams to their heads?

Steve Skubinna said...

I'm actually happy to see this use of "lose."

It goes some way towards countering the invariable use of "loose" for "lose" I keep seeing.

Paco said...

Steve at the Pub: you're now President of Acronym Composition Online.

Steve S.: Yeah, I think that might be an even more common error.

RebeccaH said...

I like the idea. It would give "running with the bulls" a whole new perspective, and I can just imagine the screaming. Another idea is to invite all the bikers in Sturgis to attend some of these blue cities for an afternoon of riot street polo.

Fitzroy said...

Why waste good beef? Rabbits would probably create panic in that crowd.