Saturday, August 1, 2020

Man, was this guy asking for it

"Man Gets Shot After Charging At Female Cop With Knife".

Genius Award Winner, Knife to a Gunfight Category.


Spiny Norman said...

A drunken idiot in a parking lot is damned lucky to be alive.

There was an episode of The First 48 a few years ago when Harris County TX sheriff's detectives were questioning, then arresting a woman they'd asked to step outside a C/W bar. While they were questioning her, another bar patron (armed with a hammer) stepped into the scene so unexpectedly that the cameraman jumped. The guy was really tall (at least 6'4"), but was so staggeringly drunk that the detective said "Whoa there, cowboy!" and had him face down on the ground in the time it took him to say it.

I can only assume the "cowboy" thought he was going to "rescue the fair maiden from the dastardly Pinkerton men".

RebeccaH said...

That Biden photo is so ... Biden.

Mike_W said...

Suicide by cop.
There's a lot of it going round with the criminal politicians locking everything down and driving people nuts.