Saturday, August 29, 2020

Sunday funnies


(H/T:  friend and commenter, JeffS)

That should take care of the germs.

Meaningless graphics (H/T: David Thompson).

Have you ever heard a humming bird snore? You have now! (H/T: Ditto)

How would you score that?

From Powerline's "The Week in Pictures".


JeffS said...

Regarding "Meaningless graphics" ......

PowerPoint (and similar applications) has unleashed a hellhound of graphics upon the workforce, egged on by so-called intellectuals in a narcissistic need to demonstrate their self-defined Intelligence. This article has many examples of the manifestation of that mental illness.

There's a reason why the phrase "Death By PowerPoint" was coined.

True story:

Once upon a time, the federal agency that I once worked for (and blissfully retired from) went through a massive "reorganization" in order to "improve" said agency.

(It was not a real reorganization, of course, more like moving name plates around to look like something was accomplished. Rather like painting rocks to improve the landscaping. But I digress ... ...)

The number of PowerPoints "explaining" this "reorganization" were uncounted, and their dissemination relentless. Email was awash with them. Briefings were held in every office. Oh!, the graphics were ... ... nauseating.

Of course, throughout this "reorganization", many conferences were held, where the lower echelons traveled to fancy venues for food, drink, and "training". Pretty much in that order. The travel budget was well funded during this period.

(Do I sound a bit jaundiced? If so, read on.)

At one of these conferences, a rather senior member of the lower echelons asked a question of one briefer about the graphics.

Now, this person was not me. But I knew this person well, and deeply respected said employee. So I take this as I was told.

The question was: "Why do the new organization charts use ovals or circles? They are difficult to read, identify functions, and interpret the supervisory chain."

And the answer from the briefer, delivered with a straight face:

"Because circles are friendlier than squares."

Paco said...

I concur completely. The last time I was subjected to inscrutable graphs was when I attended a "management leadership training course" while working for the yankee government. It was run by some outfit based inside the beltway (of course), and was heavy on jargon and light on clarity. The graphs reminded me of those colored swirly designs kids make with spirographs. Although very colorful, they were completely indecipherable, even with the assistance of our smiling, high-energy instructor who bounced around the room like Tigger. I think I still have PTSD from having to go to this week-long session, even though it took place five or six years ago.

Spiny Norman said...

Nauseatingly ugly, indecipherable, inscrutable graphics are/were created by people who know literally nothing about graphic design. They are also a window into the confused and muddy intellect of "management leadership trainers".

Dogbert would do a better job.

(In fact, this nonsense has been a recurring gag in Scott Adams' Dilbert for as long as the strip has existed.)