Thursday, August 20, 2020

Truth in advertising

Courtesy of the outstanding American Digest, let us take a tour of "Portland: Rose of the Northwest".

Update  Weasel Zippers has a hilarious account of The Trump Ad That Ate The Washington Post (H/T: Friend an commenter, Veeshir).

Update II  This idiot: "Oregon Dem Congressman Chains Self to USPS Drop Box to Save It From Donald Trump".


Veeshir said...

Go to
Trump has an ad that it redirects to calling Biden/Harris far left.
Then, there's an ad at the top that says "Far Left Takeover of the Dem party is complete"

I saw it on Weasel Zippers.

Paco said...

Wonderful! Thanks, V. Whoever the hell Jeff Jarvis is, it's gratifying to witness his hysterical meltdown.

JeffS said...

This is likely the same Jeff Jarvis, Paco. At least the Twit profile photo is the same, and he's raging about the Washington (com)Post..

And, according to Wikipedia, " American journalist, associate professor, public speaker and former television critic."

I don't know about "American", but the rest fits the content of his Twit feed.

JeffS said...

I like how that donk congresscritter "chained" himself to the mail box. DeFazio looks like he's confused about why his bling got caught on the box while walking down the street.

Veeshir said...

Reading about the butthurt about that Trump ad is high-larious.

How dare someone introduce a new tone into the echo chamber!

Spiny Norman said...

I went over to WZ to see what was up, saw the ad, and immediately knew it was a "search-generated" web ad (just like the ones that show up on WZ). Sure enough:

Old Cow • 7 hours ago

Another idiot who does not know how ad and search history work with AdSense.

All the freaking-out leftists wailing about the "traitorous" WaPo have only their own Trump obsessions to blame.