Tuesday, September 1, 2020

Very likely

 President Trump suggests that there is a considerable amount of professional organization behind the riots and other violence happening around the country.

Perhaps our domestic intel people could take a break from spying on Trump (and trying to cover their trail) long enough to look into it.


Deborah said...

The domestic intel people couldn't do that, Paco. Their superiors don't want to be found holding the cookies while standing amidst the ruins of a jar. Smoke and mirrors.

Deborah said...

The clear indication of well-coordinated/big money is the professionally printed signs, shields, etc. I'll wager that International ANSWER is part of this. They were the primary player in the Afghanistan and Iraq war protests internationally.

Police just pulled over a U-haul truck loaded with supplies headed for Kenosha, Wisconsin. The church group that sent the contents claims it was food, beverages,and fire extinguishers. Now why would they need fire extinguishers...hmmm. Source: Matt Couch at DC Patriot.

RebeccaH said...

I've been thinking this for a while now. Drugged-up college students would lose interest after a while, but the riots keep going on and on and the same tactics have spread to other cities. I'm sure it all can be traced back, as Deborah said, to ANSWER, and beyond that to all those Soros-funded NGOs. CCP money is probably involved, but they're too smart to let anything stick to them. Antifa poses as anarchists, which makes them hard to pin down, but BLM is dumb enough to brag about what they are, so get BLM first and make them sing (which they will).

Paco said...

Is George Soros a U.S. citizen? I would really like to see his a$$ get kicked out as an undesirable alien, but I suppose you can't deport somebody who's a citizen.

Veeshir said...

I can't wait until Lyndsey Graham promises to Get To The Bottom Of This!!!!!!!!!!!!!

Spiny Norman said...

Is George Soros a U.S. citizen?

Yes, unfortunately (only for legal protections; he considers himself a "world citizen").

He is a fugitive from French justice though (convicted of insider trading), but the French have never made an extradition request.

Steve Skubinna said...

You left out "without evidence." That's the standard journalist boilerplate appended to every utterance by POTUS these days. Doesn't matter what, if Trump says the sun rose in the east this morning, the press has to report it with "without evidence."