Tuesday, October 27, 2020

Biden doesn't have any endorsements as cool as this

 "Crow Tribal Chairman endorses Trump campaign".

Crow Tribal Chairman Alvin Not Afraid, Jr. was met with praise and applause while speaking at a GOP rally held Monday afternoon in Montana. In attendance was Vice President Mike Pence, who headlined the event.
“Today I stand before you to endorse, as well as support, President Trump, Vice President Pence,” Not Afraid, Jr. said before also endorsing other Republican candidates in Montana.

Alvin Not Afraid, Jr. Awesome. 


Steve Skubinna said...

So which lily-white Karen is going to be first to revoke his BIPOC Card?

rinardman said...

With a name like that, you know he couldn't possibly be a Dimocrat.

Alvin Quivering In Fear, Jr. might be a Dimocrat.

Veeshir said...

Possivly, but maybe an NRO writer.
There's always Jonah Puddle of Jello, Bulwark contributor, to endorse Kamala.

Deborah said...

It's a sure bet that he won't be re-elected as Tribal Chairman. Most Natives are Liberal or Lefty, and are low information types. They aren't aware of all the good that Trump has done for Natives.