Wednesday, November 25, 2020

I'm still wondering...

 ...who's really running the DOJ? "Obama-era Hatchet-Man Appointed by DOJ to ‘Prosecute’ Election Crime". 

Here's Gateway Pundit General Counsel John Burns on the wonderful Mr. Robert Heberle:

I saw this worm up close, we all called him ‘Doogie Howser’ because of his unbridled ambition and his smug arrogance, I have no doubt he will see a promotion potential in covering up voter fraud and further persecuting conservatives. He got a little notch in his career from putting innocent people in prison for a decade and I have no doubt he’s going to keep doing the same, the man is the scum of the Earth. He’s deep state cancer. No doubt he looks up to Andrew Weissman, that sociopathic Torquemada, for inspiration.

Well, that looks like an auspicious beginning to the investigation of election crimes, doesn't it? 

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