Monday, November 2, 2020

Make America Geriatric Again!

Biden is looking so feeble and confused during his campaign "appearances" that it is an impressive testament to the madness of Trump haters that anyone could vote for Sleepy Joe; Biden is the "yellow dog" of yellow-dog Democrats (and that newish breed, yellow-dog RINOs). 

Trump, on the other hand, is amazing: up to five rallies a day, spread out over thousands of miles, featuring the President's boundless energy and good humor: he is truly a happy warrior. And how wonderful to watch a non-politician in a role of political leadership. 

I pray for Donald Trump's victory; it would be a relief to see the Republic get a reprieve for the next four years (which, when you get to be my age, is not an insignificant amount of time).


rinardman said...

Yeah, I know what you mean. Four years ago, I felt like we got at least a delay in the Dimocrat destruction of this country. At the time, I wasn't sure what Trump would do with the four years reprieve he got us, but I was glad we didn't go straight to Hilliary in a handbasket. Now, I feel like it's even more crucial that he gets reelected. If it's as big of a landslide as I'm hoping it will be, I'm starting to think we may be able to save this country after all.

Or at least delay the destruction till after I'm gone. An advantage to being old, I guess. :)

Paco said...

Same here. My only expectation of Donald Trump in 2016 was that he wass Not Hillary Clinton. That turned out to be a pretty low bar, which Trump easily cleared. But he went on to say things and do things that I found inspiring, things that I'm positive no establishment Republican would ever have said or done. So, this time around I want him to win, not because he isn't somebody else, but precisely because he is who he is.

Steve Skubinna said... would be a relief to see the Republic get a reprieve for the next four years...

Yes. I don't know what our long term prospects are, as the left has finally abandoned all pretense of wanting national peace and prosperity. They are open about their hatred of our Constitutional order and their contempt for their fellow citizens. We see them advocating abolishing the Electoral College, restructuring the Senate to disenfranchise smaller states, pack SCOTUS, establish "Truth and Reconciliation Commissions" in order to identify, charge, and convict the "maggots," and confiscate wealth and property. The Bill of Rights is under attack, and many of them want to govern without any written constitution at all. Individual rights, we are told, are racist relics of oppression and injustice, and all rights in future are to be granted on the basis of group membership and claimed victimhood.

So can we buy another four years of America, and if so will it turn the tide against those demanding our destruction, or will it only postpone an inevitable collapse?

Regardless, I'll take a four years' respite if that's all we can get. Maybe I'm remote enough that I can finish my span without the boot of the statists coming down on my neck.