Monday, November 9, 2020


 "His Fraudulency".

Update  Dang! I can't boycott Faux News because I never watched the Faux channel anyway. In fact, since I don't have cable (I've got Roku), I'm not signed up for the Faux channel at all.


JeffS said...

"His Fraudulency".

Works for me.

Deborah said...

I don't know about Lou Dobbs, but Tucker Carlson and Sean Hannity have not caved. How Fox has not reined them in remains a mystery to me. Hope they stay strong.

Currently, OAN is the only truthful news outlet.

RebeccaH said...

In the meantime, we can all bathe in the warm glow of schadenfreude that Fox News is cratering massively in the ratings.

JeffS said...

I stopped following Faux News long ago -- they were very squishy back when. These days? Bah! CNN lite.

So their ratings nose diving is a pleasure to see.

Steve Skubinna said...

This week I put Newsmax on my Amazon Fire TV. Haven't watched it much so far, but then again I haven't watched much of anything aside from movies the past two weeks.

Because intercourse the media.

Deborah said...

Newsmax is good, but they intersperse non-news programs in. Whereas OAN ( is 24/7 news. So far they've been truthful. Hope they stay that way.