Friday, November 20, 2020

Sounds like Australia must be on the right track, to me

"Climate Thinktank Slams Australia for Global Warming Inaction".


RebeccaH said...

The whole "climate crisis" scam is designed to kill the Western economies that curb their emissions through better technology in favor of smog-belching third world economies (foremost among them China).

Gregoryno6 said...

What with Scott Morrison getting on the Congrats Joe bandwagon and the 'inquiry' into unlawful killings by Australian troops, it's good to know we're doing this right. Even though it's probably more by accident than design.

Mike_W said...

I'm not optimistic.
It's just a matter of time before the Great Reset and NWO cabal crush us here in the antipodes, as well.
Heck, the "elite" have bought up half of New Zealand for their emergency bug-out hidey-holes.