Tuesday, December 1, 2020

I can't argue with any of that

Robert Zimmerman lists some uncomfortable truths that we the people (the constitutional remnant, that is) are going to have to confront and deal with. 

This item is particularly frustrating, even though it has been evident for years:

I fully believe that these state Republican leaders are lying when they say they are going to do a full review of the election process. As we have seen for decades, they are experts at failure theater. They make big noises about standing up to their opposition, but always fold like wet rags at the slightest pressure. They will do so again.

I'm hoping that Trump, should his court appeals fail, will continue to maintain his typically YUGE public presence and that the 70+ million who voted for him will coalesce around his leadership and find ways to purge the GOP of the useless baggage that plagues it at both the state and national levels, while simultaneously, and mercilessly, hammering the Democrats for their perfidy.  

Trump, himself, though, is likely to face  persecution by an arrogant Left, drunk on its own criminal success. This, for me, would be a major sign that we are on the road to Venezuela status, and would underscore an irreversible change toward the need for direct action. 

Remain vigilant. 

Update  CBD, posting over at Ace of Spades, makes a similar point about the GOP: 

The abject failure of the Republican Party (both the inside-the-beltway whore variety and even the more ideologically rational segments) to communicate its philosophical basis and its basic, readily acceptable platform is a travesty. How difficult would it be to hammer home a few simple points about the preservation of our republic through a robust and secure voting system?

Apparently, far too difficult, well beyond the scope of these unthinking putzes.  


Gregoryno6 said...

One thing I've noticed about the leading noisemakers for the Australian republic movement is that none of them want to pass the torch. They want their names in the history books. They want to be remembered as the people who got it rolling and carried it through to completion. As a result they stand up at regular intervals and declare that Australia must become a republic within the next five years and then fade away.
Change in the Republican party may require that sort of view. It's not beyond the realms of possibility that the time will not be available, but I would hope that PDJT has shown young conservatives in America (and elsewhere) that a stiff spine draws more support than kowtowing to the latest idiocy of the permanently discontented.

Gregoryno6 said...

Clarifying - 'that sort of view' should be read as 'a long-term view'.

RebeccaH said...

Those are the Republicans who hated Trump because he was well on his way to derailing their gravy train. In this, they're just like the Democrats. But they should beware, because I think there are millions of people who watched this selection-not-election who are not-Democrats and, at this point, not-really-Republicans either.

bruce said...

If the FBI are a bunch of lying jackasses, then you can't trust anyone.

- I'm a big fan of the GW Bush-era series Arrested Development. Ace links to Carter Page saying the FBI identified himself as 'Steve Holt' as a fake name when interviewed. Not only is it fake, but it's a recurring joke on Arrested Development ('arrested'...'development' get it? Hardy haha FBI - you are such wags!).

Imagine. Such a serious investigation of an elected president, and the FBI. with total power to make people's lives hell, are clowning around. That's not just corrupt and insulting, it's psychopathic, like The Joker holds all the cards and is laughing in your face. Hanging's too good for them.