Wednesday, January 20, 2021

You already may have won!

Probably not, although I haven't actually checked the news in the last hour or so. Anyhow, friend and commenter Deborah has come up with a great idea. A...well, not a dead pool, exactly, but a stepping-down/removal from office pool for Sleepy Joe Biden, our unpresident. 

So, here's how it works. Pick a month, day and year that you think the usurper's fraudulent presidency will end and note it in the comments. The person who comes closest will win an autographed copy of that gem of literature, Che: The Lost Diaries, written by yours truly (postage paid!)  Update  Might just wrap the book up in a Detective Paco t-shirt, too!

Put on your wizard cap and gaze into your crystal ball and be sure to inscribe your date in the comments section!


Veeshir said...


In the Oval Office, with a pillow.
It won't be Colonel Mustard though.

bruce said...

I choose the Weekend at Bernie's option, so it depends how long a dead body can be dragged around till it starts coming apart. Forensic advice please?

In Gabriel Over the White House they just pretended Prez Walter Huston was in charge while he was unconscious.

Paco said...

Sorry, Bruce, you'll have to be more specific than that. People outside the USA can play, too!

bruce said...

OK, I'll place my bet: I think they'll pretend he's still President until just before the 2024 election. Which is November 5th 2024, fingers crossed.

Mike_W said...

They'll allow him a month, I reckon, for being such a useful idiot.
So, 2/21/2021

Gulliblepratt said...

1st September 2021, by Kamala in the Oval Office using a voter registration

Steve Skubinna said...

I only hope his exit is as humiliating and degrading as possible. With any luck, the Secret Service will have to tase "Doctor" Jill to keep her from strangling Kamaltoe.

Gregoryno6 said...

December 24 2022.
They'll keep him around for the midterms. Following them, whatever the fallout, Foggy Groper's deemed excess baggage.
The plebs will need some time before 2024 to warm to their new Uterised and Colorised Commander in Chief.
I hardly need add that the date of the demise will bring on a suppression of Christmas festivities. Washington will impose a month long season of mourning.
Of course the role of Mrs F.G. in all this has to be considered too.
The First Lady and the VP as Regan and Goneril. There's a thought.

JeffS said...

I'm betting on Kamala's impatience and lust for power: 14 April 2021

JeffS said...


Paco said...

I've got a feeling that Joe's wormy thought-box is something nobody's going to be able to cover up much longer.

Steve Skubinna said...

Paco, even Politico's mentioning it now. Which obviously is the first shot across the bow, the initial stirring of the 25th Amendment coming into play.

Skeeter said...

Based on my own rate of deterioration being experienced at age 86, I'm betting on Joe not being able to last beyond July 28, 2021. Mrs Skeeter (who often introduces me as her toy-boy) is going for September 18, 2021.
She thinks you might enjoy this now very topical haiku but can't take credit for it because it was written by American poet James Russell Lowell in 1876:

government by thieves and knaves
at the cost of fools

RebeccaH said...

I too am trying to gauge Joebama's rate of deterioration. No doubt "Sorta Dr." Jill will be pumping him full of medications designed to slow the progress of dementia, and the Dems and the media (redundant, of course) will be covering for him at every turn until it becomes impossible to hide the decline. So, unless he surprises us all and drops dead of another brain aneurysm (not impossible), I give him a couple of years. I'll pick May 1, 2022, just because that's Communist Christmas.

RebeccaH said...
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RebeccaH said...

Oops, I guess that's only a little more than one year. I still stick by May 1, 2022 though, because it's also possible that Kami the Kommunist o' Kolor will have found a way to put something untraceable in his pudding so she doesn't have to go through all that 25th Amendment bother.

Deborah said...

Very apt and never outdated haiku. It makes me interested in his other works.

Deborah said...

Pudding or Ensure.

Deborah said...

April 1, but I'm not sure if it will be this year or 2022.

BTW, Thanks, Paco!

JeffS said...

I stole your stolen haiku, Skeeter.


Paco said...

Good spotting, Mrs. Skeeter!