Thursday, April 15, 2021


So, Jerry Nadler is giving the signal for a general uprising by proposing SCOTUS-packing legislation. I still don't understand why the voters of his district can't manage to find someone progressive, but less utterly repulsive, to represent them. He should be retired for any number of good reasons, not least of which is the fact that he resembles a bean-bag chair that did a dozen years of hard duty in a frat house. A vile toad of a man, with ideas as hideous as his person. More on this frightful specimen from George J. Marlin at Newsmax. One recollection from the article gives off a particularly karmic vibe: the time AG Barr requested a bathroom break while testifying before Nadler's Judiciary Committee, which request this bridge troll actually denied. Recollect, if you will, a subsequent video showing Nadler doing the green apple two step at a joint press conference with other Democrats, as he slowly inched his way off camera - leading many observers to conclude, very plausibly, that he had s**t in his pants.

Pelosi, on the other hand, has indicated that she will not be taking up this legislative proposal at this time.  Apparently, she wants the cover that she imagines will be provided by Biden's commission to "study" court "reforms". 

Looks like MAGA politicians are running strong in Pennsylvania (it probably helps that Pennsylvania was compelled to remove the dead from voter rolls - H/T: The mind is an unexplored country). I think MAGA folks generally are going to be running strong in GOP primaries all over the country between now and the 2022 elections. And, naturally, the mainstream media  Ministry of Propaganda is going to profess to be shocked and horrified.

Don Surber and James O'Keefe take on one of National Review's petulant  little political eunuchs (Dan McLaughlin ko'd in the first round).

I guess we white people are standing in the way of the great dumbing down, is that the issue?

Pretty woke, even for France: "Evian Apologizes For Mentioning Water During Ramadan.



JeffS said...

Nadler probably has concerns about being primaried by some woke millennial, hence his rush to push that atrocious court packing scheme.

Pelosi, in a what may be a rare example of her engaging in rational thought, probably understands that she has an uphill battle to pass any controversial legislation .

RebeccaH said...

Nadler resembles nothing so much as one of those round-bottomed balloon clowns that pop back up no matter how much you punch them. But, man, I would LOVE to try.

As for Evian apologizing for mentioning the very product they sell, I suppose they'll soon see the error of that when the wokes jump on them even harder. I'm convinced anyway that most Muslims cheat on their fasting diet like crazy every year when Muslim Murder Month rolls around.

Paco said...

Ace had a great picture of Nadler a day or two ago which exemplified, more than any other image I've ever seen, the old saying that inside every fat man, there's a thin man trying to get out. Nadler has rather small facial features, but they're surrounded by slabs of fat, so, in the picture, it appeared as if he was looking at the world while wearing a pumpkin over his head.

Steve Skubinna said...

Nancy might not have ever been a great brain, and I think it's clear that she's lost a lot of sharpness over the years, but her margin in the House is too thin to risk with stupid stuff. If there's any justice, and any chance of reasonably fair elections, she's going to be wiped out in 2022. So were I in her shoes I'd be working behind the scenes to shore up the blue firewall, try like hell to expand the margin before going full Night of the Long Knives.