Friday, April 30, 2021

Better six feet below, than ruled by Joe

Whatever name we attach to the rapidly crystalizing dictatorial blob that has glommed onto the United States - whether it's fascism, socialism, Marxism, oligarchy or some wild combination of elements from all of these - we do, indeed, need to wake up and begin strategizing about how to rid ourselves of it. Under no circumstances is the dementiarchy of Joe Biden acceptable. Andrea Widberg at American Thinker: "The dark night of fascism has finally landed in the United States".


  1. Idiocracy is already taken but maybe we could go with "Democratic Idiocracy."

  2. we do, indeed, need to wake up and begin strategizing about how to rid ourselves of it

    It's been a long time in the making, it would take a long, long time to get rid of.
    We had Trump and he was arrayed, alone, against the entire ruling class(less). They stymied him at every step and blatantly and obviously cheated him out of office.

    Think about it, there are somewhere north of 60,000,000 people, probably closer to 100,000,000, who think they are entitled to other people's money.
    That's the first thing we'd have to get rid of and it won't be easy.
    Especially against the current crop of gov't officials who use our money to bribe us and the entire Democratic media/entertainment complex.

    Our best hope is an existential war with China.
    Failing that, we'd have to do our own 'long march through the institutions'.

  3. Failing that, we'd have to do our own 'long march through the institutions'.

    Feets, don't fail me now!

  4. That flash mob video was wonderful. I love how when it started, everybody joined in. I wish that would happen here, flash mobs dancing down Pennsylvania Avenue (disturbing Slow Joe's nap), down Fifth Avenue, in front of every blue state house in America. I'd join in just for the simple joy of sticking a thumb in the COVID scammers' collective eye and showing the timid that we don't have to put up with this crap. The fascists trying to take over our country need to be made to tremble.

  5. Just tell me when the shooting starts.
