Sunday, April 11, 2021

C'mon, mates!

You're not going to let this happen, are you? "Aussies Mulling ID For Access To Facebook, Twitter, Tinder".


  1. Facebook here pretty much went dead last year, among my friends anyway.
    My wife is a spiritual guru on Facebook though, with a daily post and hundreds of followers (rolls eyes). I'll see what she thinks.

    I doubt it's enforceable, these parliamentary committees are a big waste of money and time, do more harm than good.

    Also we use Facebook for emergency communication e.g. during the bushfires and local Police announcements. So this seems another hare-brained desk jockey who hasn't thought it through.

  2. It's pretty scary that politicians would even think about doing this.

    How funny would it be if they tried to do this in America after trying to make it verboten to require ID for voting?

    It would be so utterly ridiculously funny and scary I expect a House bill within a year.

  3. In China, they call this the "social credit system". If your social credit isn't up to snuff, it's total silence for you.

  4. First they came for the Facebookers, but I'm not a Facebooker, so I don't care.
    Next they came for the Twitterers, but I'm not a Twitterer, so I don't care.
    Next they came...etc. etc. etc.

  5. First they came for the Communists
    and I did not speak out
    because I was not a Communist.

    Then they came for the trade unionists
    and I did not speak out
    because I was not a trade unionist.

    Then the communists and the trade unionists came for me and I was pissed at the first crew for not doing their job.

  6. The proposal in this case is part of an inquiry about how to protect females from online anonymous 'trolls'.

    We're been having a metoo revival down here, pretty much since the govt made some woman who overcame a history of abuse 'Australian of the Year' which set the rest off sqawking. Now it's half of every news broadcast.

    "Can't live with 'em, can't live without 'em" as my dad used to say.
