Tuesday, April 27, 2021

Is John Kerry lying?

Wow, that's a tough one. Let me mull it over for awhile: "Don't Believe John Kerry's Denials, All the Evidence Says He Betrayed the United States to Iran".


  1. Kerry, like most of our current political class, can lie even when his lips aren't moving.

  2. Is John Kerry lying? Well, is Joe Biden's brain cell feeling lonely?

  3. No big deal. Wouldn't have been the first time he betrayed the US.

  4. I had so hoped we'd never have to deal with John Kerry again once Donald Trump was elected. Leave it to addled old coot Biden to bring him back from the dead.

  5. Kerry offers a dangerous double threat. Because he's an arrogant progressive know-it-all, he's perfectly capable of purposely taking the side of our enemies (as he has done multiple times before, beginning with that winter soldier b.s.). But he's also a monumental dumba$$, so is also capable of betraying the U.S. by idly flapping his gums at the wrong time.

    The whole Biden administration is rotten from the top down.

  6. John "Effing" Kerry has betrayed America before, and he will betray us again. There is no reason -- aside from the cogent reasoning in this article -- to think he didn't sell us out to Iran.

  7. Even his denial is word salad - He uses the adverb 'unequivocally' to qualify an adjective, 'false'. He maybe meant to say, "I state unequivocally that this is false" but that's not how it came out.

    Instead it sounds like he's using a qualified sense of 'false' and he leaves open the possibility that it is true in some other way, so with this mistake? he left wiggle room. If journalists did their job they'd nail him down on the record. But we live in times of castles in the air and mind reading it seems, where we're supposed to just assume what he meant.
